How to measure your room for vinyl flooring

Before you measure your room for vinyl flooring, you will need to make sure you have the following.




- Tape measure

- Calculator (optional but recommended)

Creating a room plan sounds complicated but it really isn’t: in fact, we are going to give you a quick and easy to follow guide to creating a room plan that will ensure you have the right amount of vinyl flooring to lay in your room. All a room plan has to be is a rough drawing that clearly shows you the shape and measurements of your room. It ensures that you purchase the correct amount of vinyl flooring.  

TOP TIP: It is important to record accurate measurements on a room plan. Always work in metres (M) and record your final measurement in m2.

Remember, not all rooms are square - some have features such as fireplaces, alcoves and recesses that will add length onto any measurement you take.

Follow these steps to measure your room for vinyl flooring: 
  1. Begin by drawing your room’s four sides.
  2. Label one pair of walls the length and the other pair width.
  3. When you have done this, take a measurement of each.
  4. For 100% accuracy, you’ll need two measurements for your length and width. Find a second point to measure from for both your length and width, then record this number against the first measurement of each to check it was accurate.
  5. Multiply the two together the total area of vinyl you require. Record the total area in M2
  6. Add 10cm (0.1m) to your length and width measurements to ensure a clean finish when you install your flooring.
  7. DON’T FORGET: Measure all the way into any doorways, alcoves, fireplaces and any other recesses!

TOP TIP: For irregular shaped rooms, it can be helpful to break up your drawing into smaller more manageable chunks. Draw a dotted line to divide up any irregularities to break them into more manageable, recognisable shapes.

Once you have your measurements, you will be able to work out which cut width of vinyl you are going to need. Sheet vinyl can be fit in one seamless piece and comes in widths of 2, 3 or 4 metres so it can be suitable for rooms of all sizes.

For a more in depth look at how to measure rooms with additional illustrations, check out our how to measure guide

Still not sure? Book in a free, no obligation measure and estimate from your local store now for complete peace of mind. 

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